n. g.

UX Designer. Web Developer. UX Designer. Web Developer. UX Designer. Web Developer. UX Designer. Web Developer. UX Designer. Web Developer. UX Designer. Web Developer.


Greetings! I'm Nick, a designer who loves crafting exceptional user experiences. I hope you enjoy my site as much as I enjoyed making it. And trust me, I had a blast!

My Story

My path to design wasn't exactly linear. I went to college, got my Bachelor's in Neuroscience, and had plans of entering the medical field, but then became an eCommerce businessman. Makes total sense, right?

Well, while spending 40 hours a week constructing pivot tables in Excel was exhilarating fun, I ultimately decided that that career path wasn't going to make me happy. Then I discovered web design.

Naturally, as any inexperienced Web Designer would do, I decided to make a fully fledged website showcasing my business skills. As expected, the site was horrible, but it sparked my love for the craft.

My growing interest in design propelled me to enroll in a UX certification program with the dream of designing websites for a living.

A few months later, I was already redesigning websites for companies that were in dire need. My passion for web design had become a full-blown obsession and I was creating sites that were not only functional, but beautiful.

Hello again!

Need a new website or better UX for your current site? Don't wait! Contact me now and let's discuss.

Contact Me